8:06 AM

Ten Commandments of Gardening

The Ten Commandments of Gardening is as follows:

  1. Thou shalt be patient till it's thyme to garden
  2. Thou shalt be outstanding in thy field
  3. Thou shalt lovingly care for the Earth
  4. Thou shalt weed thy garden diligently
  5. Thou shalt take time to smell the flowers
  6. Thou shalt keep a fresh from the garden attitude
  7. Thou shalt give freely of the bounty of thy harvest
  8. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors soil
  9. Thou shalt listen to your Garden Angels
  10. Thou shalt bloom where you are planted and grow strong under God's tender care.

Just some of the funny quotes i had found on the net that I want to share with you guys... Happy gardening... ^_^

7:26 AM

How To Battle Low-Self Esteem

"Precious" actress Gabourney Sidibe, may have failed to nabbed the Best Actress award last Oscars but she did win a lot of nods and applauses not only for such an achievement but how she shone when she walked the red carpet.

I have no idea as to what is Sidibe’s size or weight but to look radiant and care less on her critiques is something to be admired. The pressures of Hollywood may mean too much on a person especially getting that Cinderella stance like how this girl got nominated alongside veteran actress Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep, but instead of pulling away from the limelight Sidibe handled it all with grace.

Total Confidence is the best definition one can come up when describing a person who loves oneself. When we say "love for oneself" it doesn't necessarily mean selfishness but rather acceptance and respect for oneself. At her physical figure many women today would have a difficult time to accept what Sidibe had. This was what earned other people's respect and praises.

How to boost one's self confidence is quite hard nowadays. From physical attributes to financial status to personal achievements, being content with what one has is an issue that many are having difficulty to resolve. Media has taken full control on how most people think. They have given out pictures of slimmer women and hunkier men as an equivalent for the term "beautiful". Such "perfection" is usually delivered in association with success: wealth, happiness, and partners. It has given out a message saying "be like this and you'll be happy too" which has given too much pressure thus increasing stress on people.

Most people nowadays have taken the image of perfection in terms of physical aspects. This has somehow degraded those who seem not "qualified" for such standard. Self respect is loss and low self esteem is developed. This is definitely alarming for psychologically it may also lead to the feeling of unloved. To compensate these people develop certain habits that are considered unhealthy like smoking, drugs, and even food. Day by day intakes of such become excessive that can cause harm and pain not only on yourself but also on those around: you become unfit but most of all you become grouchy and depressed.

Remember that whatever mood we manifest will radiate to the people around us. If it's something depressing it will infect others as well that no work will be done; all activities may halt and hopeless will definitely fill in thus creating more stress in you part and on others too.

Here are ways to battle low self-esteem to become the better you people are sure to be magnetized.
1. Think of that one time when you first did something new. They say experience is the first teacher. If you were praised doing that takes note of it as a booster. If it turned out negatively then learn from it. To make it a motivator think of you as lucky enough to have experienced since this was also an opportunity for growth.

2. Take note of the times when you feel great and when you didn't. What did you do to make you feel that way? When you target it then write it down. Highlight the moments when you take it as something special (it doesn't matter if these are fewer, like I said even misfortunes are great opportunities for growth.

3. Try to see yourself as a "why not" person rather than the "why" one. Risks are part of life. They say that if you give up something there is bound to be a much better replacement in return. Let go of that comfort zones and try to replace it with the adventurous attitude that you deserve to have. Picture a frog who once lived in a well, he then took the initiative to go out where he saw the pond. Living in the pond was great but when he took the step to stay away he discovered the vast ocean.

4. Try to see the difference between what people may think if you do something and what they think about themselves. Being afraid of criticism even that people are starring may really trip you off but you might be surprised when you find out that these people are so preoccupied of themselves that thinking of you is the least of their worries. This is also the same for those who think that people in the neighborhood are gossiping about you. Keep in mind that they are not tenant screening services but persons who have their own life to live as much as you have your own.

5. Talk to yourself (in a positive way). There are times you'd laugh at it or think of yourself as someone crazy but talking to you may help. Say what you want to say to yourself and let loose of all the angst. Not convince yourself that there are better things for you to do than worry about what others have to say. Being yourself is great plus the fact that doing what you've always wanted to do is a reward indeed.

At times it's quite hard to keep up with the positive mode, but just in case you think you're losing it remember the triple "F": FOCUS, FOCUS and FOCUS.

• FOCUS on the fact that God wanted great things for you
• FOCUS on your ideals and what you want to accomplish
• FOCUS on that mental image that you are great

Life here on earth is only borrowed and it’s best, as God’s tenants, that we do our own tenant background check of ourselves and see what may have caused our lack of enjoying life. Remember to always stay great, give respect and love yourself...always smile for God is good.

8:17 AM

Fetuses for Soup...?

This is definitely a shocking matter that has given such a disgusting idea to all those who have seen articles of this issue in the internet.

We have always questioned races who do cannibalism. These are tribes so to speak who have some certain belief (as was once featured in Ripley’s) that took this practice as religious in nature. the news on fetuses being used for soups for medical purposes was another thing when it comes to the concept of "cannibalism"--yes it is definitely "cannibalism" at the worsens state.

Rumors have circulated that there are places in China; one in particular is Shenzhen that take this practice not as something religious but out of vanity. They say that eating this "delicacy" has medicinal purposes that keeps man healthy and feeling younger than their years.

The world has always been used to the fact that Chinese have always included certain ingredients or should I say main courses on their platters that are said to be good for the body. from snake's blood for beverages to monkey's brain, scorpions and other animal-or-insect which are not part of the certain recommended food chain, they have tasted and continue to indulge in. they are joined in by certain herbs and spices to make it tasty and at times the world also has given their taste buds such a treat. Fetuses on the other hand are another thing. A big question mark on that matter so to speak.

First and foremost, before proceeding, the issue on abortion has been tackled time and again by many groups known to human race. Being pro-life means valuing life even that of the unborn. To say that there is life within a fetus means that it has a functioning brain activity and is growing. It may be a different individual and not part of the woman's body but within the body, yes it is. Abortion may be against the teaching of religions (and this at times makes us thankful that we have divinity to believe in) and that of morals yet when it comes to choosing which life to save, the babe's or the mother, we are bound to choose the latter. And with this said, fetus being food seems like a disgusting concept to live by. The person making such thing should be run with employment criminal check as they may have some instances of killing sooner or later.

Let's face it abortion is a cruel act against an individual (the baby in this matter) and to add it to the menu is another. People who have seen and read the pictures and articles regarding this matter has considered this disgusting and let's face it they can't be blamed. It was a normal reaction especially in matters of respect and of whatever religious dogma.

Fetuses for food started out as some sort of folklore belief that having it gives youthful glow and great health. There are those who have questioned Chinese friends about the truth whether such claims are true of not. there are those, especially doctors who have denied such an act being done on their country yet the health benefits, or the said nutrients that can be acquired in eating such a dish is not a joke at all. But what if the baby was conceived from an unhealthy mother?--that is now the question.

For babies to be dependent on the nutrients acquired by their mothers is the key factoring whether they would be healthy or not. This brings us to question now those who practice eating fetuses as a health food.

Whichever way we look at it, and no matter a person's belief that these are good (as most of them do claim that they are healthier than the placenta) is something that we could consider against what our conscience dictates. They are as human as any of us are. To take the right to live from them is a crime what more to make minced meat out of their bodies--this is degrading.

This is definitely a shocking matter that has given such a disgusting idea to all those who have seen articles of this issue in the internet. Background check on Shenzhen, a province in China, awakens us to a certain issue regarding fetuses as part of the menu—for vanity’s sake.

7:53 AM

To Treat The Dead

Doctors are for the sick. They help people recover from their illnesses by advising healthy routines to keep the body strong. There are times they also do research and try to discover medical breakthroughs that may help get rid of illnesses. Doctors are to help keep people live life longer. However there are doctors who instead treat the dead.

Meet Pathologist Frank Ruhli, a person who is presently involved in studying an obsession: mummies. He was part of the group that had studied Ramses II and Oetzi the ice man. In his every study he tried to find out more on the possible deaths acquainted with the mummy, whether there were illnesses involved, which he believed may be of good help to medical practices. His employment verification will show that he used to practice medicine but instead has followed his passion to study mummies instead: something which he had always loved since he was a kid.

Studying mummies is not as boring, nor scary, as some people might think. The stories of curses and other terrifying issues that surround it is actually one that may get a person more involved. For kids who have loved watching cartoons that have mummies for action figures or are into stories which involved these characters, getting interested means doing a background check on the lives of the ancient ones. Question like “why are there tattoos on their bodies?”, “Why should they be preserved?”, or “what may have caused their deaths?” may later on have answers that may help in other research.

For Dr. Ruhli, studying mummies may give him ideas that on special cases of illnesses or other history details which were left unsaid in history. Looking at mummies up close may give us insights on marks, which shows illnesses and how it they have evolved in time. Another reason that may result to studying the dead is finding out the history of how these ancients once lived. The royalties, to be specific, especially those who were murdered, are the best subject for such like the Egyptian mummy King Tut. Results to such studies may prove or oppose earlier claims and, at times, may help find out more about the said mummy.

Other than the said reasons, it is also fascinating to know on the reason behind the preservation and how these corpses were mummified. Each civilization has a belief and practice. Their own way of embalming the dead and keeping it in its original form differ from the procedure to the treatments used. In Egypt fragrant oils were used before wrapping the body in linen. Religion can also be a topic in studying these preserved bodies. The belief that the body is a means to sustain the soul was also from the Egyptians.

There are many interesting facts that one may learn from studying mummies. They may or may not have be of famous personas retold time and again in our history classes yet can give vital information that may be means to certain breakthroughs. For Dr. Ruhli, his experience in this field is an employment verification of his endless curiosity to learn more of the ancients’ history.

Additional Readings:
The Twilight of Stephanie Meyers Success
Tenant Screening